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Leitz Wetzlar Valoy II & Focomat 1C Negative Carrier Holder 35mm Film 24x36mmLeitz Wetzlar Valoy II & Focomat 1C Negative Carrier Holder 35mm Film 24x36mm
EUR 86.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2440, 99.7%)
Leitz Wetzlar Valoy Base Plate Board 39x44,5cm Solid Wood w/ Complete WiringLeitz Wetzlar Valoy Base Plate Board 39x44,5cm Solid Wood w/ Complete Wiring
EUR 39.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2450, 99.7%)
Leitz Wetzlar Valoy II 2 Enlarger Film Holders Hammertone Finish w/ All ScrewsLeitz Wetzlar Valoy II 2 Enlarger Film Holders Hammertone Finish w/ All Screws
EUR 29.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2463, 99.7%)
Leitz 17670 Reproduction Copy Darkslide 35mm for Leitz Focomat 1a, 1c & Valoy IILeitz 17670 Reproduction Copy Darkslide 35mm for Leitz Focomat 1a, 1c & Valoy II
EUR 69.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2451, 99.7%)
Leitz Wetzlar Valoy II 2 Column Mounting Bracket Dark Grey w/ Bolts & WashersLeitz Wetzlar Valoy II 2 Column Mounting Bracket Dark Grey w/ Bolts & Washers
EUR 29.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2463, 99.7%)
Leitz Wetzlar Valoy Valoy I Enlarger Plain Glass Condenser Very CleanLeitz Wetzlar Valoy Valoy I Enlarger Plain Glass Condenser Very Clean
EUR 34.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2463, 99.7%)
Leitz Leica Vergrößerer VALOY I Leitz Varob 1:3,5/5 cm mit ZeitschaltuhrLeitz Leica Vergrößerer VALOY I Leitz Varob 1:3,5/5 cm mit Zeitschaltuhr
EUR 89.0
Category : Vergrößerungsgeräte
Seller : marcus.buselmaier(1973, 99.6%)
Leitz Wetzlar Valoy Enlarger Film Holders Hammertone Paint Finish w/ All ScrewsLeitz Wetzlar Valoy Enlarger Film Holders Hammertone Paint Finish w/ All Screws
EUR 29.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2463, 99.7%)
Leitz Wetzlar Valoy II 2 Head to Column Mounting Bracket Dark Grey HammertoneLeitz Wetzlar Valoy II 2 Head to Column Mounting Bracket Dark Grey Hammertone
EUR 69.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2445, 99.7%)
Leitz Wetzlar Focomat & Valoy Lens Locating Clamp for Autofocus FunctionalityLeitz Wetzlar Focomat & Valoy Lens Locating Clamp for Autofocus Functionality
EUR 14.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2456, 99.7%)
Leitz Wetzlar Focomat 1c, Valoy I & II Condenser Retaining Spring & Locking RingLeitz Wetzlar Focomat 1c, Valoy I & II Condenser Retaining Spring & Locking Ring
EUR 18.95
Category : Vergrootmateriaal
Seller : hieronymus-nl(2450, 99.7%)
Leitz Rotfilter Sicherheitsfilter Valoy IILeitz Rotfilter Sicherheitsfilter Valoy II
EUR 49.0
Category : Vergrößerungsgeräte
Seller : pruu_de(1906, 100.0%)
CUCO VALOY Y LOS AHIJADOS Paginas Gloriosas. Adelante Soldados CD GUAGUANCOCUCO VALOY Y LOS AHIJADOS Paginas Gloriosas. Adelante Soldados CD GUAGUANCO
USD 11.99
Category : CDs
Seller : musicforever68(21896, 99.9%)
Camera Copy Stand - Height - 32” Valoy Darkroom Enlarger Base & Column StandCamera Copy Stand - Height - 32” Valoy Darkroom Enlarger Base & Column Stand
USD 43.95
Category : Other Cameras & Photo
Seller : ppoundings(450, 98.9%)
CUCO VALOY Merengueando con Cuco Valoy LATIN LP SEALED TECUCO VALOY Merengueando con Cuco Valoy LATIN LP SEALED TE
USD 19.99
Category : Vinyl Records
Seller : musicforever68(21905, 99.9%)
ancienne miniature parfum VALOY , PARIS, MUGUET,  dans son coffret d'origineancienne miniature parfum VALOY , PARIS, MUGUET, dans son coffret d'origine
EUR 35.0
Category : Flacons
Seller : gringrignote-fr(96, 97.3%)
Porte-négatif métal 35 mm Leitz - pour agrandisseur Leitz Valoy II / Focomat IcPorte-négatif métal 35 mm Leitz - pour agrandisseur Leitz Valoy II / Focomat Ic
EUR 90.0
Category : Autres
Seller : photogram_fr(225, 99.6%)
Los Ahijados, Cuco Valoy, Martin Valoy - Ritmo Tipico y Sabroso Con Los AhijadosLos Ahijados, Cuco Valoy, Martin Valoy - Ritmo Tipico y Sabroso Con Los Ahijados
EUR 16.99
Category : Vinyl en platen
Seller : vinyleers(26, 100.0%)
EUR 29.99
Category : Sonstige
Seller : classic-camera-shop(15420, 99.9%)
PUBLICITE : le savon citron Valoy (illustrée par Béatrice Mallet) -  très bPUBLICITE : le savon citron Valoy (illustrée par Béatrice Mallet) - très b
EUR 40.0
Category : Autres
Seller : clement-marechal(2081, 99.3%)